Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Recent developments

Look who's smiling!

Isn't he cute? What a handsome little guy. Manny has started smiling in response to us, which is a pretty exciting development. He has started smiling sooner than Jonah did as a baby. I only hope this means that he'll be even more good-natured than Jonah, but since Jonah is such a sweetie, this might be asking for too much. We'll see...

Speaking of Jonah...

Naughty little hoodlum in a knit hat? ...

...Or sweet little elf in holiday pants waiting for St Nicholas to bring him that amazing toy firehouse he saw on-line?

It really depends on the day.

Jonah is starting to talk more, adding more actual words. Very exciting! "Hello", "box", "baby", and "cracker" are among the recent developments, though we're still working on consistency. The cutest one, though, is his enthusiastic wagging of his index finger and his saying "No more" to all those naughty monkeys jumping on the bed. He usually is one of those naughty monkeys, of course.

Manny and Mama are off to our favorite doctor tomorrow (tomorrow is actually Friday... something is weird with the date on this web-log) to see how much chub Manny has packed on in the past month (a lot!). We're also going to see if Mama has a hernia, but that's a whole different, much less fun matter. Will report back! Until then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Thank you for posting the photos! It's so cool to be able to watch the little jewels develop, and have fun while doing it. You write very well, so I feel like I'm not so far away.
Love, Barb