Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Three bears

As I sit to post these pictures of barely-clad children enjoying our backyard, I find myself looking out the window at a very gray day and thinking about the fact that the apartment's radiators were warm this morning. Not unrelated is the fact that I just switched over the boys' winter clothes for their summer ones. Doing so it simply an invitation for the cold weather to return, I'm pretty sure. Maybe it I pull out their winter clothes, the warm weather will return? If there's no improvement in a couple days, I may have to try it.
Jonah said about the first picture, "Iohan looks angry." Really? I would've gone with "silly." Or even "exasperated," especially since it looks like Middle Bear is trying to bite him on the head. It may have been a kiss, now that I think about it.
Hmmm, my eldest piled atop my youngest? Some parent is slacking on the job. Poor Iohan. If his babyhood doesn't kill him, it will certainly make him stronger. (Strong enough to pop his brothers pretty good, I'm thinkin'.)

Here's Iohan's disgusted face. He's tired of Jonah intruding on his personal space. Really, Jonah better look out. It may take a couple decades, but Iohan will have his revenge.

We call Manny "Angel Baby" for his looks, not his personality. Personality-wise, we just go with "Crazy."


Not a fan of the burrito wrap, eh, Io-Io? Let me take a few photos, then I can help ya.


Kh. Patty said...

Hey Laura,

Glad you and the boys could come over this morning. It was fun to catch up! Your blog posts always make me laugh.

See you again soon, I hope!


Lynn said...

Good job keeping the blog up Laura. I'm enjoying it. I know what you mean... I'm anxiously awaiting the day that Silas clocks both Josie and Charlotte. The other day I told Bleys that I want to teach him, "it's not okay to hit... except Josie."

Tricia said...

I can not believe how grown up the boys are looking!!!! Oh my goodness, the baby faces are almost gone and what I see here are little men, it's so crazy but they're so beautiful. Congratulations on a healthy happy family Miss Laura.